Streamline Your Nationwide Storage: Save Time and Money with our National Storage Trailer Program

Simplify storage with Milestone’s national storage trailer program
Managing storage needs can be a daunting task, especially as your business fluctuates. Traditional warehousing requires significant investments in real estate and long-term commitments. Storage trailers, on the other hand, provide a scalable and economical solution. Whether you’re a retailer, manufacturer, logistics company or non-profit, trailers offer the flexibility to handle seasonal demands, excess inventory and reverse logistics without the high costs of additional warehouse space.
However, managing storage needs across multiple locations can be challenging, especially when dealing with various trailer leasing and rental companies. This is where Milestone stands out. We are the only provider that offers the equipment and capabilities to help you create a nationwide storage solution with a single point of contact – no matter how many locations you have.
Why Milestone’s storage trailers are the best choice for your business
Fast, flexible and competitively priced
At Milestone, we understand that timing is crucial for your business operations. That’s why we pride ourselves on fast and flexible service. Need a trailer in Houston tomorrow? Or perhaps a whole fleet in Los Angeles by next week? Just give us a call, and we’ll make it happen – often in as little as one business day.
And, our competitive pricing ensures you get the best value – plus, with special leasing terms available for volume orders, you won’t find a better deal. With Milestone, you can save up to 50% per square foot compared to traditional warehousing costs.
Milestone Storage Trailer Solutions

Solution/Results: Milestone storage trailers were deployed to their locations, and when full, our trailer parking program provided an off-site solution until the merchandise was needed at the stores.
Solution/Results: Milestone storage trailers offered a solution that was significantly cheaper than building new warehouses – especially considering production fluctuates throughout the year. Additionally, it provided the flexibility to transport their finished goods to their local destinations.